Grief is a Lifelong Process and Becoming Weary Happens to All of Us
Published October 28, 2024 487 Views
Next spring, it will be 20 years since our son was physically here with us. Because of this, much of the world believes that our grief is somehow less impactful in our daily lives or somehow easier now. Though it is true we now have preferred coping skills, and we have found ways to pull ourselves b...
When Does Their Space in our Lives Become Sacred?
Published June 28, 2024 1119 Views
When a parent or sibling is newly bereaved, the deceased child’s/sibling’s place in the family is open and bare. No matter which way you turn, you are each confronted with this gaping wound of grief. It’s all that you can focus on. They are simply gone. Their place is now empty. The rest of t...
Our experience: How a grieving parent feels on their child’s death anniversary and the days leading up to it, regardless of how much time has passed
Published April 12, 2024 1224 Views
Many people feel that grief is a process that we all must go through until we reach the other side of the pain. Honestly, we have suffered losses such as this, even after losing Josh. We know that this does occur when death follows life’s natural order or when the person lost is not part of our dail...
Ways We Have Found to Honor Joshua on His Birthday and During His Birthday "Season"
Published September 19, 2023 1369 Views
I know it may sound odd that a child could have a birthday “season,” but grieving parents often feel the, now familiar, dread/aching long before the actual birthday, anniversary, or holiday. For us, and many others, the buildup to Josh’s birthday is far more draining than the actual day. Yet, as soo...
What is Megalencephaly and How Can it Impact Families?
Published June 16, 2023 1153 Views
Megalencephaly is a neurological disorder in which the brain is larger than normal, often weighing two to three standard deviations above the average weight for age and gender. The condition can occur on its own, or it can be associated with other disorders, such as autism, or genetic syndromes. Meg...
What We Have Been Up to Through the Pandemic and in Recent Months
Published March 15, 2023 716 Views
Hello! Welcome to our first blog post. We just wanted to share some of what we have accomplished recently due to your generous support. Following our last Dodge for Josh Dodge Ball Tournament in early March of 2020, we felt compelled to return all the proceeds back into our local community. So, w...